take payments online

start selling online

e-commerce or selling online used to be just for larger companies who could access a High Street Bank Merchant Account.

Now, anyone can sell online via one of our e-commerce solutions.

From our completely free self-setup add-on Tranzact service to our comprehensive CMS-based online shops able to securely take credit and debit card payments, we have a solution for you.

No set-up costs

Add e-commerce to your existing website or facebook page


(small per-transaction fee)
Our Tranzact.co.uk service
No set-up or runing fees
Paid for via a small percentage of transaction values – the remainder is paid into your own account
Quick and easy to set-up yourself
Sell items direct from your facebook page or existing website
No technical knowledge required

Fast set-up

Simple e-commerce website with Paypal payments accepted

from £795

plus VAT

Templated WordPress CMS website with woo-commerce online shop
Unlimited products
Basic postage options
Includes economy hosting and a free .co.uk domain name
Payments made via Paypal
Paypal transaction charges and payment release timescales apply

Best choice for online sales

User updateable CMS e-commerce website with credit/debit card payments

from £1295

plus VAT

Multi-section bepoke designed WordPress CMS front-end
Unlimited products
Muliple payment options, layouts, offers etc.
Take credit/debit card payments via Stripe
Fully GDPR compliant solution
SSL certificate
Automatic messaging
Includes first year’s business hosting and a free .co.uk domain name or the transfer of your existing domain

Get in touch

Our address

TePCo House, Rear Offices, 12a High Street,
Waltham, Lincolnshire, DN37 0LL

Call Us

0330 133 3725

Send us a mail

Contact one of our consultants

0330 133 3725

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