how it all happens

All our design work is carried-out using our proven 7 step approach, under the warchful eye of a Project Manager at the head of a dedicated Project Team (click here for details).

our 7 step approach

Step 1 - Order/Spec

On receipt of your order, a Project Manager will be assigned.  S/he will contact you to discuss your requirements, discuss the right package with you and help you fill-in a creative brief for us to work from.  An invoice for 25% of the total price is issued.

Step 2 - Design Concept

Based on yoiur requirements, the Project Manager will select a suitable Web Designer and Web Developer.  Once your initial payment has been received, the Web Designer will start working on a draft design concept for your homepage and a further page.  These are not working webpages, but initial ideas.  In the meantime you should start thinking about the content (text and images) you will need for the website.

This stage typically takes 7-10 days.

Step 3 - Design Stage

You will be presented with the draft design(s) and asked for feedback/sign-off.  This is an iterative process which continues until you are 100% happy with the design concept.  Once you are happy, the 2nd invoice (25%) will be raised.

Step 4 - Development

Once your payment has been received, the designs are passed to the Web Developer who will work on the coding required to turn the design into a website ready for you to start inputing content via the CMS.  If you already have your content ready at the beginning of this stage, we will use this.  If not, we will use “placeholder text” for you to replace yourself later.

This stage typically takes 2-3 weeks for standard websites and 3-4 weeks for e-commerce websites.

Step 5 - Development Complete

The completed website will be sent to you for feedback/sign-off (with “placeholder” text).  You will be asked to provide feedback on the structure and functionality.  This is an iterative process and once you are 100% happy, you will be asked to sign-off on the development.  At this time, the third invoice (25%) is raised.

Step 6 - Content Population

On  receipt of your payment you will be issued with the CMS username/password so you can populate your website.  If your content was ready earlier, this may already be in the website, so this stage will just be for final changes.  If not, we will assist you with adding the content if this is relatively minor (or we offer an admin service to do the work for you if you do not have time to do any of this work yourself).  A final invoice (25%) is raised.

If you are stuck for content, you may like to consider our Copywriting Service at this point.

This stage typically takes 1-2 weeks.

Step 7 - Go Live

On payment of your final invoice, your new website will be moved onto production hosting, linked to your domain name, and launched live.

Design packages include hosting for the first year (different hosting packages apply for different design packages).

You will be given contact details for an Account Manager to replace the Project Manager as your main point of contact, and and you will be advised how to request support/help incase you need it.

After Launch

Once your website is up and running, you might like to think about increasing your online exposure by using our optional Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay-Per-Click Management, or Social Media Management services.

You may also like to consider our Z-Assist or Z-Maintain add-on packages if these are not already included with your package.  Z-Assist gives you hands-on email/telephone assistance if you get stuck whilst using the CMS, and Z-Maintain allows for 2 days of development changes per month (either to add new content/make changes, or add whole new sections/functionality).

how long does it all take?

The time it takes to complete a website depends on a number of factors such as the complexity, how long it takes to gather together the contents, how long it takes to complete the iterative process of feedback>changes>sign-off, and so on.

Every design job is allocated a Project Manager to push things along.

In general, the usual overall timescales (from order to launch) are 6-8 weeks for a standard website and 8-10 weeks for an e-commerce website.  If, however, you have all the contents ready quickly and are keen to turn-around feedback requests and payments as soon as possible, we can often deliver significantly faster.

Get in touch

Our address

TePCo House, Rear Offices, 12a High Street,
Waltham, Lincolnshire, DN37 0LL

Call Us

0330 133 3725

Send us a mail

Contact one of our consultants

0330 133 3725

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