see what we can do
some examples of our work

e-Commerce Websites

MostlyMe Website
A website created for a client who wished to sell cosmetics online. The high quality graphics were matched to the target client profile.
We worked alongside one of our external graphics consultancies to develop the style of the site and associated consumables etc.
OrderZ – Our own Table Ordering System
Designed to allow cafes, restaurants, and pubs to be able to move quickly to table ordering during the COVID 19 pandemic lockdowns, allows a business to sign themselves up for free, fill in their menu details and start taking orders virtually immediately.
Customers simply visit the website (adverised on tables), enter the unique shop code and their table number and start ordering.
Payments are made via the Stripe credit card system with the kitchen being informed of a new order and any requests from the table for assistance. Plus the system automatically takes care of contract tracing in a GDPR-compliant way.

More Complex Websites
Many of our past website development projects are for corporate purposes and so are hosted on Intranets and hence are not accessible by the general public as live websites, but the screenshots and descriptions below should give you a good idea of how diverse our offering can be. If you need a complex website like this, please contact us to request case studies.
Rank Group Recruitment websites and HR Systems
We worked with the Rank Group for over seven years, initially providing a recruitment system comprising a proprietary back-end system and public-facing websites, but gradually increasing this portfolio to include many different HR systems including online training, regulatory management, employee management, bespoke induction online courses and systems to simplify other business practices.
Our most ambitious development was the creation of a feature-rich intranet used by up to 10500 Rank employees in the UK on virtually a daily-basis.
We also created recruitment websites aimed specifically at mobile device users and an interactive e-learning platform called Click&Learn.

IBLF’s SPOT Sustainability Tool
The International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) is a charity set-up by Prince Charles and US President Bill Clinton. Various streams of the charity work with organisations in different areas of business to encourage sustainable operations. The ITP (International Tourism Partnership) is such a stream and aims to persuade all major hotel and other tourism companies to adopt sustainable practices.
The SPOT tool was developed in response to a need from the IBLF/ITP for an online tool which allowed it’s member hotel companies to assess and monitor their individual site’s effectiveness when it came to “green” issues.
This was a database-driven graphics-intensive online platform which is still used by virtually every hotel belonging to a major chain worldwide.

Hyatt Hotels Sustainable Communities Application
Championed by the IBLF, Sustainable Communities was an online tool which allows the employees of major companies to share their ideas on sustainable operations with their rest of their group/industry.
As well as developing and hosting the tool for an initial period, we also provided an online/telephone helpdesk for users of the system. Following training and a supported transition period, Hyatt have now taken the operation of the application completely in-house as originally planned.
The same functionality was also adopted by other major hotel chains including Starwood, Four Seasons and Orient Express.

VisitEngland Better Tourism Website
Supported by VisitEngland, the Better Tourism website is a tool used by VisitEngland centrally, and all the English Regional Tourism Agencies regionally to promote green practices in small to medium sized tourism businesses in England.
Tourism companies (hotels, B&B’s café’s, local attractions etc.) are able to register and carry-out an online assessment of their operations in terms of sustainability. The resulting assessment provides advice, points towards help for areas where improvement is required, and eventually leads to a certified accreditation, as well as providing the local regional tourism agencies with valuable information about their clients.
There were over 25 versions of this website in use, each branded with a different regional identity, and over 1000 companies regularly used the website to improve their green credentials.